Aeroponics vs. Hydroponics: Which Leaves You All Wet?

Plants don’t need soil to grow. Compared to alternative growing technologies, growing in soil is a largely inefficient and resources-intensive means of cultivation.

Aeroponics is one of those technologies. Hydroponics – the science of growing plants in liquid, instead of soil – precedes aeroponics by centuries. It’s admittedly much better known.

The differences between the two sciences are substantial. Their names reflect where the plant roots rest. “Hydro,” of course, indicates water; “aero” points to air.

Here are some of the most asked-about differences and similarities:

Growing media: Aeroponics systems suspend plants’ roots in the air, and nourish them with nutrient spray. Hydroponics systems surround plant roots in an inert substance (such as rockwool, expanded clay or coconut fiber), which in turn is submerged in a nutrient solution. The liquid blend is often oxygenated to prevent the plants from literally drowning.

Energy use: Hydroponics systems use energy continually to recirculate and oxygenate water. Aeroponics uses energy periodically to pressurize its spray system, and for spraying the plants at intervals. Both typically employ lighting systems, which use energy in differing amounts depending on types of lighting and on/off programming. Hydroponics systems might need a heater or chiller pump to maintain water temperature.

Power failure backup: Loss of power can be fatal to plants in both aeroponics and hydroponics. In the former, plants can die in hours from lack of moisture; in the latter, plants can “drown” without oxygenated water. A battery backup system is often employed for both.

So, which is a better grow system for you?

Let’s suggest a middle ground: The G3 Systems aeroponics grow shop, which combines the best of both systems. The G3 Systems grow room setup is a self-contained, largely self-sustaining system. It employs high-pressure aeroponics (HPA) to optimize plants’ nourishment, moisture and growth rates. It's unique, forward-thinking design keeps mature plants alive during a power failure by allowing them to access moisture from a recapture pool of liquid, avoiding a need for battery backup.

Even better, because of its tremendous built-in efficiencies, the G3 Systems grow cabinet is priced where most growers, small or large, can access the amazing growth potential and productivity of HPA.

If your primary mission is to save the earth, either aeroponics or hydroponics are much, much better than growing in soil. The decision is yours, of course – and an informed one can set you on the path to long-term, ecologically-friendly growing success.