If she could speak, Mother Earth would be grateful for aeroponics.
We can grow lush, vibrant plants without soil. We don’t need endless volumes of water, fertilizers and pesticides to do so. The simple science of aeroponics is long overdue.
A grow system does all the work. Plants grow steadily. It’s fun to watch.
The process begins by sprouting seeds in a soil-less medium such as cocoa fiber, rock wool or artificial plugs. After being rooted and grown to a base stem diameter of 1/8”, the plants are removed from the growing media.
Their new homes are neoprene collars in a G3 Systems grow box, where they hang suspended. Their roots dangle below. LED or fluorescent grow lights shine from above.
The hanging root masses are regularly misted with short, concentrated bursts of nutrient-rich solution. The wispy, fibrous roots instantly absorb the nutrients. This rapid intake is critical to the fast plant growth common in aeroponics.
Set up correctly, your plants will take off. Let the grow system work. Prepare for harvest.
In fact, once plants are set in the collars, your role is minimal. Just change the nutrient solution at regular intervals, depending on what’s growing. Nutrient formulas are easily purchased online.
A note of caution: If its misting spray is not properly atomized, an aeroponics system won’t work. Water particles will adhere to each other and create droplets, which roots can’t absorb.
Avoid this outcome by using a G3 Systems grow room setup. Three years of non-stop engineering and research identified the perfect combination of equipment and spray pressure. Our system mists with particles less than 50 microns in size, which growing plants love.
Aeroponics is the reason why lettuces and other leafy greens can be grown in deserts of the American west. G3 Systems will equip you to grow whatever you want with aeroponics, wherever you want to grow it.