Grow System Components that Grow Your Success

Wondering about the components of the G3 Systems grow cabinet? Here’s what the many pieces do:

G3-Light-Kit---as-shipped.jpgLight Kit Frame: The first part of a G3 System that jumps out to everyone is its simply logical lightkit. Why hasn’t someone done this earlier? Incorporate a way to hang a light (if one is needed) for indoor growers, a light efficiency system to absorb every precious watt being used, and a plant support and management system. Combine all in one simple modular frame that can be stacked as high as you need, then attached right to your growing system - creating your own perfect miniature grow room environment, and making your best results easily reproducible!

Made of ¾” weather resistant extruded aluminum tubing and nylon reinforced fittings, this frame will last for years of stress-free growing in the harshest growing environment. The kit is extremely lightweight, yet works perfectly as a structurally sound plant support system for heavy flowering and fruiting crops - exactly where you need it, and when you realize you need it. We design for growers to get the biggest bang for their dollar, so like to think that this is a monster cropping commercial cultivator’s dream come true! This simply beautiful design allows those underwhelming runners to prove how beneficial they can be to your yield, given a bit of room and not forced to fight for light!

2 Removable Cross Members Two Removable Light Kit Cross Members: Removable from the front to access plants or fill nutrient reservoirs. They can also be used in the rear, when larger light fixtures are employed, to cover a 3’ x 4’ footprint using two G3 Systems grow cabinets back to back. With cross member spacing at nearly 15”, there’s still enough room to fill your reservoir with nutrient solution using a standard five-gallon bucket.


Light Kit Extension Legs: All G3 Systems light kits come with eight long and eight short extension legs. These allow a grower to adjust the unit’s overall height to roll under standard doorways, or to use all space available up to 8-foot ceilings. They can also be used to attach additional light kit side panels to extend the support system as high as needed.

Light Kit Trellis w/ Included Screws - Top View

Light Kit Screws: Create trellises to train or support plants by extending nylon string between screws. Spaces between screws are 4-1/2”, and strategically placed to accommodate plants grown in all 24 net cup locations. Every light kit comes with three rows of trellis capability spaced approximately 15” apart. Using the included zinc plated screws, you can run a full trellis for low stress training (LST) or Screen of Green (ScrOG), or run a plant support line later to control a plant using Sea of Green (SOG). This is extremely helpful for growers using topping techniques or FIM techniques, or may be using other super cropping techniques to maximize yield. We offer a stainless steel screw upgrade for growers using wet or humid environments.

Light Fixture Support Bars: Used to attach light fixtures with light hangers, plus placing the fixture on top when lights aren’t ceiling mounted. Light support bar Z-clips have screw holes to accommodate custom mounting widths, depending on the light fixture being used. The extra length allows for vertically hung lights, for either primary lighting or supplemental lighting, to enhance blooming.

600D Ballistic Nylon with Textured Reflective Film Light Optimization Panels: Made of heavy-duty 600D ballistic nylon fabric, these textured, highly-reflective panels direct light where you want it: on your plants. This reflective power is especially important with LED lighting, which dissipates much quicker than HID lights. Panels unsnap from the light kit for easy removal. All four panels can be used to slow down CO2 dissipation when CO2 enrichment is being used, or to block overcast lighting when not desired.
Kind-Blackdog-agroBrite Demo Units Grow light fixture (optional): G3 Systems offers three brand options to pair with any plant’s needs: an agrobrite 96W T5 high-output fluorescent fixture, Black Dog LED PhytoMAX-2 high-powered LED fixtures, and the programmable, remote control LED fixtures by KindLED.
Light Hanger Light hangers (optional): Inclusion depends on model of light fixture chosen.
G3 Vessel Tub Vessel Tub: Made of 100% FDA-compliant food grade reprocessed polyethylene, and coming in at a ¼” thick, the environmentally-friendly vessel tub really puts the “greener” in our Greener Growing Garden system! This super-duty vessel will provide a lifetime of growing, and is custom molded to perfectly house the high-pressure manifold on a stationary shelf, allowing for at least 6” of super speed, hyperactive new root development. Beneath the manifold is a reservoir that can accommodate up to 10 gallons of nutrient solution. By lowering the nutrient level, a grower can customize the available area for hyperactive HPA root development. As every grower knows, the higher the root mass, the higher the plant yield becomes!
G3 Vessel Lid Vessel lid: Three openings for net cup trays, offering 24 grow spots overall. Made of UV-stabilized, ½”- thick high density polyethylene, it will not absorb moisture, delaminate, chip, rot or swell. Lid is 100% opaque to block any light from penetrating into the root zone. Any mineral salt build-up is easily removed using just a sponge and water or damp paper towel, making maintenance a breeze.
G3 Net Cup Tray Net cup trays: Each vessel lid matching tray has eight 3” standard net cup openings. Each net cup opening has an 85-degree tapering to more securely support large plants in the cups. The included ¾”-thick, soft neoprene collars use an 8-slit spoke wheel design for gentle, compressible support of tender clones or seedlings, while still able to support large plants. The thick-lipped plastic net cups also provide needed structure to avoid pull-through of larger plants.
G3 Net Cup Plug Net Cup Plugs: Sometimes the simplest things can make a cultivator’s work enjoyable. Using a simple stepped HDPE opaque plug, intrusive light is blocked from the root zone, and mineral salt build-up prevented on empty neoprene collars and cheap plastic net cups. A clean growing environment is vital to success – yet, why make weekly cleaning a mandatory chore?
Atomization High-Pressure Manifold: Here is where the action occurs! The custom-fitted, high-pressure manifold, made of schedule 40 PVC, has 14 strategically placed misting heads. Up to four heads can mist a single plant simultaneously in case of a clogged head. Two 3/8” OD quick-connect bulkheads control input and output from the pressure pump.
BlueLab Meter Options Bluelab combination meters (optional): Monitors pH levels, nutrient conductivity and temperature of nutrient solution. G3 Systems offers three different highly-accurate commercial quality Bluelab meters to suit any grower’s needs. Bluelab Connect series units include free software to log and monitor readings remotely on any Windows based PC or IOS device. *Bluelab Connect Software requires one Connect Stick per monitoring computer.
Drain System: Depending on setup, this drain system allows the nutrient reservoir to be flushed to the front or back of the unit. By daisy chaining drain systems together, the drain valve can be left open emptying to a centralized nutrient reservoir. A grower can easily adjust nutrient level height in the centralized reservoir, using simple fluid dynamics of connected vessels or siphoning logic, to control the amount of nutrient solution left in every attached unit at one time. When this feature is used, all drain fittings must be glued or sealed to prevent leaks. If daisy chained drains are employed, growers may also use two pumps in tandem at the centralized reservoir to feed multiple units, which aids in maintaining HPA pressure while also ensuring against plant loss due to a single pump failure.
Air Pump Kit: Located beneath the grow space, this kit includes a powerful 3-watt dual outlet pump, ¼” airline hose, and air diffuser. These parts combine to super oxygenate nutrient solution for healthier root development, providing a deep water culture (DWC) environment for mature roots, plus a safety net for any power or component failure. The air pump may be relocated above the light kit when CO2 enrichment is being used.
Filter: The 50-micron mesh filter traps root particles and contaminants, preventing them from getting into the manifold and clogging misting heads. Any nutrient type used must have particles smaller than 50 microns to prevent clogging the filter screen. Routine cleaning is performed by unscrewing the bottom of the filter housing, and rinsing the screen under a faucet as needed.
High-Pressure Pump: The custom-built, private-label G3 Systems pump has been designed specifically to achieve the higher pressures needed for proper atomization of nutrient spray. CAUTION: Do not use this pump with typical DIY aeroponic plans or other manufactured aeroponic systems, as the pressure will typically exceed safe working pressures of those recommended components. All G3 Systems components are upgraded to function at these higher pressures.
Tank: The extra-strong steel tank, rated at 150 PSI, holds pressurized nutrient solution ready for spraying.

Autopilot Analog Recycle Timer: Controlling the manifold solenoid, it’s easy to set and operate - no programming required. Cycle timing is adjustable for operation during the day, night, or 24-hour period. Just turn the dials to schedule on/off cycle times.  

  • Adjustable "ON" duration spans one second to 40 minutes
  • Adjustable "OFF" duration spans one minute to eight hours
  • Photocell detects night and day cycles

Pressure switch: The 120 PSI solenoid switch, featuring a full brass body, links directly to the misting timer. This allows a starting misting pressure of 120 PSI once the solenoid is opened. CAUTION: This holding pressure exceeds the safe operating pressure of almost all reverse osmosis-type pressure tanks. Failure to use the appropriate G3 Systems components with any HPA system can cause the pressure tank to literally become a nutrient solution grenade!

G3Vycom Seaboard® Mini Cabinet (optional): Our commercially designed Mini-Cabinet was configured with the commercial cultivator in mind. This ½”-thick HDPE cabinet has no moisture absorption, great scratch resistance and is FDA and USDA compliant. The cabinet is designed to contain the entire grow room in a compact indoor/outdoor application.  G3 Systems is in the planning stages of releasing an even “greener” eco-friendly option.

G3 Caster Base: Made of extra thick 11-gauge steel, and powder coated with a polyurethane-based texture powder coating, this base will support any cabinet you choose for your grow system. The steel is more rust resistant, without sacrificing its 600-pound load capacity, due to four low-profile twin wheel stem casters.

Need more explanation of what a part is, or does? Contact us to learn why the G3 Systems grow box is the best self-contained, modular grow system on the market.