Myths About Aeroponics

Exploding Myths, and Growing Truths, About Aeroponics

Aeroponics is a fantastically-productive grow system, yet not still widely known. Misunderstandings abound. As a result, myths about aeroponics have filled the void of valid information.

Here are a few:

Aeroponics is just a more expensive version of hydroponics: While neither use soil as a growing medium, the two sciences are completely different. Hydroponics uses liquid as a growth medium. Aeroponics uses air. The G3 Systems aeroponics grow room setup marries the two, harnessing the tremendous productivity of high-pressure aeroponics (HPA), and utilizing filtered recirculated deep water culture (a feature of hydroponics) to prevent plant loss during power or component failure.

Aeroponics is too expensive and complex for the average grower: Perhaps this was true at one time. No longer. The introduction of the G3 Systems grow box has changed everything. This semiautomatic HPA grow system operates with minimal maintenance. It’s less work than high-end hydroponics systems, yet priced similarly - offering tremendous potential and value to any grower.

Aeroponics requires a large space: Obviously, the more aeroponics units in operation, the more space is needed. The G3 Systems grow cabinet, though, offers a solution for the small-scale grower. Its 2’ x 3’ size is designed to fit into minimal spaces. Priced to be affordable, designed for ease of use, and sized for adaptability, the G3 Systems grow equipment makes HPA accessible to everyone with “green” dreams in mind.

Atomization of nutrient spray in aeroponics is irrelevant: Not if you want plants to achieve the full growth potential that aeroponics offers. True HPA uses spray particles less than 50 microns, which are instantly absorbed by roots. Any nutrient deficiencies in the plants are quickly corrected, spurring continued rapid growth. Spray particles larger than 50 microns are equivalent to blasting roots with a fire hose, forcing plants to expend energy to absorb the solution. Three years of research and development drove the G3 Systems indoor garden to achieve the highest level of atomization possible, while keeping its price affordable.

Aeroponics is still in “first adapter” phase, so keep waiting: Aeroponics has been in commercial use since 1983. NASA grows food with HPA aboard the International Space Station. In other words, the science isn’t new. All that’s been missing is a product that made HPA technology workable for everyday people. The G3 Systems grow shop does just that.

G3 Systems is changing the aeroponics landscape. Along with turning heads and exploding myths, we’re putting smiles on growers’ faces. And, we’re just getting started.