>Aeroponics Science>A Better Grow System for Higher Yields and Enjoyment
A Better Grow System for Higher Yields and Enjoyment
G3 Systems is on a mission to make aeroponics accessible to the average grower.
It didn’t happen overnight. The company founder spent three years, working day and night, to design a grow system that could overcome the long-posed challenges of aeroponics.
He succeeded.
The G3 Systems modular grow room setup works for someone who wants a single grow box in their basement, or for larger grow shop operators. In the latter case, multiple grow units can be linked together. The grow structure is strong and tall enough for bigger plants.
It’s about more than providing a product, though. Our grow system is superior, in many ways, to others on the market. Some of our product features grow stronger, healthier plants. Others help adapt to available space. Still others save energy.
We’re not just making aeroponics accessible – we’re making it reliable, efficient and easy to use.
Here’s how:
High pressure: The G3 Systems grow shop uses high-pressure aeroponics (HPA), which makes all the difference in plants’ health. Our ultra-precise misting pump has a 60 PSI window that optimizes growing conditions. By achieving a perfect level of atomization, the system creates a dry mist that’s instantly absorbed by plants’ roots. Don’t be fooled by other grow systems that use pond pumps for recirculation and spraying. Without atomization, your plants won’t receive the nourishment they need for optimum growth.
Modular setup: The 2’x 3’ size of our modular grow system allows you to grow up to 24 plants in a small space. Its design is tall and strong enough for large plants, increasing the size and variety you can grow. Configured as a drop-in system, you can place the unit in a sink base cabinet, deck box, or even a simple lumber frame – anything with at least 22” depth.
Fail-safe design: In case of power failure, plants won’t die from lack of moisture. Our innovative design allows roots to draw moisture directly from pooled nutrient solution in the reservoir beneath, while accessing oxygen from above the reservoir.
Lighting efficiency: Our optional grow light systems couple supreme energy efficiency with a dynamic, plant-friendly spectrum. The grow cabinet’s highly-reflective side panels ensure no light goes to waste.
Cost: Aeroponics has long been cost-prohibitive for most growers. Sure, inexpensive systems were available, but they didn’t come close to the moisture atomization needed to achieve aeroponics’ amazing growth potential and productivity. The G3 Systems grow box achieves this, in a cost structure that most growers can afford.
Of course, no grower is “average.” But G3 Systems wants to make aeroponics workable for everyone, no matter where or how they live. We believe people should be able to access technology for their own “green” … whatever form it takes.